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Each Little Virtue teaches a different life lesson and moral that help kids build self-respect thorugh social-emotional learning. See which virtue will best fit your needs, or collect them all!

Little Love

The girl who heals the hole in her heart and learns self-worth.

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Little Envy

The mermaid who learns confidence and to stop comparing herself to others.

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Little Brave

The knight who learns what true courage is and faces Dragon in battle.

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Little Faith

The granddaughter who learns resilience as she climbs a mountain to save her family.

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Little Honest

The baker who competes in a baking competition and learns to be honest.

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Little Patience

The fairy who learns patience as she plants a magic garden to protect her kingdom.

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Little Honor

The sun prince who learns to honor his twin sister by ruling equally in harmony.

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Little Charity

The naughty elf who learns the true meaning of giving and the holiday spirit.

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Little Clean Coming Soon

The zombie boy who learns the joy of good hygiene and health.

Coming Soon

Little Faith


Little Envy


Little Brave


Little Love


Little Patience